

Category "For everyone":

Here you can order all items that you give away to others. Please pay attention to maximum order quantities, these are listed with the respective article! If you order more items than are released, the number will be adjusted to the maximum value without comment* and executed, PREVIOUS special agreements are excluded from this.

"Major event" category:

You have a major event and only found out about it at the last second, then you can order from this category after consultation with the warehouse team.

If NO APPROVAL was given to you and you still order from this category, all items in this category will be removed from your order without comment*. The rest of your order will continue without these items.

"Special camp" category:

Certain items have been ordered exclusively for you, so you can access them here.

If NO items were ordered exclusively for you and you still order from this category, all items in this category will be removed from your order without comment*. The rest of your order will continue without these items.

Please select a category on the left, usually "For everyone" and DO NOT shop below from the complete summary of all categories!

Additional info:

– Only Telekom ambassadors can order promotional gifts here, this category is closed to employees and customers!

– External Telekom ambassadors only see the “For everyone” category, the “Major events” and “Special camps” categories are hidden.

* The ambassador's work is voluntary and outside working hours. This simple solution is used to keep “private working hours” as low as possible or to use them for other meaningful ambassador projects.

Showing the single result